New charts for spring.

Joy! The tulips have emerged, the cherry blossoms are blossoming and it is time for charts. The Rihanna one is more of a statement, but whatever. Knowledge is knowledge and there you have it.

13F98 13IJZ 13MGL 11080914_10206448618798012_8357651743027501206_n 492015081935 532015050377 2142015064193 4520151438166 b233bfafbdee2d5a0228ff203705daea tumblr_nlo4e2UtpA1qglhc3o1_500 tumblr_nmi3lu1yqf1roeb3qo1_500 tumblr_nmr8uwJXHx1qewacoo1_500 tumblr_nn41ixGFth1qewacoo1_500 tumblr_nnivta8n5V1qewacoo1_500

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