I’m going going, back back, to Costa Costa…

(Here is a link to the song I am referencing in the title in case you are not that familiar with Biggie’s works.)

I went to Costa Rica in January of 2012 and I liked it so much, I am returning to see even more awesome beastacular creatures. I love it there so much. It’s close (five-hour flight!), it’s relatively inexpensive, and awesomeness abounds. The one thing I was bummed about last time was that I was unable to go to the Sloth Sanctuary. Guess what, people? I’m going this time! Here’s a video on it:


I am also going to a waterfall garden, a volcano, a serpentarium, a hummingbird facility, a butterfly exhibit and a scientific research laboratory located in the middle of the rainforest. I am so very excited. I may die because there is a bunch of hiking through muggy hot allergy-ridden forest, but it will be totally worth it. You know I will have tons of pictures on my return. Get emotionally prepared now.

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