Fun times with the Third Reich.

Since my father passed away we’ve been going through his belongings and the man had books. So, so many books. Dad was a professor and one of his classes was on WWII. I guess someone had a book and gave it to my dad and we found it and oh my goodness, what a panoply of unpleasantness it is. I’m going to take you through the more interesting elements.

You ready?

It’s a coffee-table-sized book about Adolf Hitler and what a nifty guy he was.

This says something like “Merry Christmas from your Uncle Karl and Aunt Kamila.” It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

“Adolf Hitler – Photos from the Life of the Fuhrer.”

I was really hoping it would be like: Wake up. Eat chocolate with meth (yup, a real thing, see picture at the end). Yell like a lunatic at your generals. Paint a watercolor. Kill some gays and communists. Take afternoon nap, etc. but it is more pastoral and patriotic than that.

First thing, this font. Why? I mean, I get that it’s super-German but it’s also super-illegible. The whole book is like this. I would have pushed back on this. Also, a forward written by Goebbels! The book is a nightmare.

A lot of children smiling and waving at Hitler ‘n’ Pals.

The picture at the bottom with everyone doing the arm salute? Bone-chilling.

Honestly, Hitler’s art wasn’t bad. I don’t know why the art school dumped on him so hard. That’s excellent perspective right there.

Wasn’t it the SS? With two SSs? One S, does it stand for “Protective” or “Echelon”? You could totally fit both lightning Ss on there if you tried. I love how most people would be like “How horrific that so many teens were brainwashed into this mindset of hate” and I’m like “They could have done a better job with their logo layout, branding matters, folks.”

Ugh, God, with the children. Have I adequately conveyed how much I hate this book?

Now THIS is good branding. Fun game you can play is Count the Swastikas.

There were a ton more pages but I was DONE. The book wasn’t but I sure was. As promised, meth chocolate to keep the troops alert.

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